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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Romana [ADAUGAT] Eveniment de Craciun. Playerii vor cauta si colecta 100 de cadouri. [ADAUGAT] Sistem de Craciun. Jucatorii pot folosi diverse comenzi pentru a se bucura de experienta de odinioara in zilele de iarna, daca pe afara tot nu putem . Comenzi: emoveallxmastrees(admin 2), removesantahat, santahat, snow, removexmastree(admin 2), xmastree(admin 2), launchfireworks, fireworks. [REZOLVAT] Diferite buguri la comanda /cleanupcars si la sistemul de inregistrare. [REZOLVAT] Sistemul anti-spam. PS: De acum inainte eu nu mai fac parte din stafful National Trucking. De asemenea, nu mai ofer servicii de scripting din lipsa de timp. Voi incerca sa ajut in continuare serverul cand va fi nevoie de mine, dar in linii mult mai reduse. English [ADDED] Christmas event. Players will search and collect 100 gifts. [ADDED] Christmas system. Players can use various commands to enjoy the old-fashioned experience on winter days, while we still can't outside. Commands: removeallxmastrees (admin 2), removesantahat, santahat, snow, removexmastree (admin 2), xmastree (admin 2), launchfireworks, fireworks. [SOLVED] Various bugs in the command / cleanupcars and in the registration system. [SOLVED] Anti-spam system. PS: From now on, I am no longer part of the National Trucking staff. I also no longer offer scripting services due to lack of time. I will try to continue to help the server when my support is needed, but in much smaller lines.
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