Nickname-ul tau: (numele tau in server) Nickname-ul jucatorului raportat: (numele jucatorului raportat) Motiv: (spune in cuvinte de ce raportezi acest jucator) Dovezi: (pune o poza sau mai multe cu dovezile aduse) Reguli: Deschiderea unei raportari, fara a aduce imagini doveditoare, va atrage de la sine, respingerea raportarii facute. Deschiderea unei raportari, se va face numai pentru cazurile strict necesare, pentru motive serioase. Nerespectarea celor mentionate anterior, vor atrage de la sine, respingerea raportarii facute. Numele topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Raport Jucator] Nickname-ul celui raportat". Trebuie neparat sa incarci pozele pe: "", "" sau "".     Your nickname: (your nickname in game) Nickname of reported player: (nickname of reported player) Reason: (say in words why you report this player) Screenshot(s): (add a picture or more with the evidence) Rules: Opening a reporting without introducing evidential images will attract by itself, reporting rejection made. Opening a reports will be made only where strictly necessary for serious reasons. Failure of the foregoing will draw on its own, reporting rejection made. The name of the topic must be like "[Player Report] The nickname of the reported player". It is necessary to upload the photos on: "", "" or "".