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  1. Reguli Board - Board Rules ACEST TOPIC ESTE IN CONTINUA ACTUALIZARE: Reguli: Este interzis ca o persoana membra a comunitatii sau jucator al altui server, altul decat Infinite Stuntage, sa raspunda topic-urilor in ceea ce privesc reclamatiile, cererile de admin, cererile de V.I.P, cererile de insula personala etc, doar daca nu este implicat. IN CEEA CE PRIVESC DOAR RECLAMATIILE: Este interzis ca o persoana membra a comunitatii sau jucator al altui server, altul decat Infinite Stuntage, sa raspunda acestor tipuri de topic-uri atata timp cat nu este implicat in disputa prezentata sau nu are o activitate indelungata pe server. Respectiva persoana poata da un raspuns acestui tip de topic, doar daca exista posibilitatea de a detine informatii importante despre subiectul ce a dat curs disputei. IN CEEA CE PRIVESC DOAR CERERILE DE ADMIN SI V.I.P: Este interzis ca o persoana membra a comunitatii sau jucator al altui server, altul decat Infinite Stuntage, sa raspunda acestor tipuri de topic-uri atata timp cat nu are o activitate indelungata, mai exact nu cunoaste trecutul jucatorului ce a dat curs cererii sau nu cunoaste alte detalii personale sau nepersonale. ORICE PROBLEMA INTALNITA pe server, in relatiile interpersonale (dintre persoane), in legatura cu anumite probleme ce tin de functionalitatea serverului (ex: sisteme, comenzi etc) vor fi raportate printr-o reclamatie jucator/admin/V.I.P daca este vorba de o disputa intre persoane (simplii jucatori), V.I.P (very important players) sau administratori, printr-o reclamatie bug daca este vorba de functionalitatea eronata a unor sisteme, sau printr-un simplu mesaj/PM DOAR owner-ului principal, si anume FaLLenGirL (Cristina Muresan). Orice incercare de rezolvare a unor dispute ce duce la o cearta indelungata (jigniri, dusmanii etc) sau incercarea de a profita de aparitia unor BUG-uri pe server for fi sanctionate corespunzator si IREVOCABIL ! THIS TOPIC IS CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED: Rules: It is forbidden for a member of the community or a player of another server, other than Infinite Stuntage, to respond to topics regarding complaints, admin requests, V.I.P requests, personal island requests, etc, unless involved. ONLY ON THE COMPLAINTS: It is forbidden for a member of the community or a player of another server, other than Infinite Stuntage, to answer these types of topics as long as he is not involved in the presented dispute. He/She can respond to these types of topics just if there exist the possibility of knowing about the subject that gave rise to the dispute. ONLY ON ADMINISTRATION AND VIP REQUESTS: It is forbidden for a member of the community or a player of another server, other than Infinite Stuntage, to respond to these types of topics as long as he/she does not have a long activity, more precisely not knows the history of the player who started the request or knows no other personal or non-personal details. ANY PROBLEM MEETING on the server, in interpersonal relationships (between people), in relation to certain issues related to the functionality of the server (eg systems, commands, etc) will be reported by a player/admin/V.I.P complaint if it is a dispute between people (simple players), VIP (very important players) or administrators, by a bug complaint if it is about the wrong functionality of some systems, or by a simple message/PM ONLY to the main owner, named FaLLenGirL (Cristina Muresan). Any attempt to resolve disputes that lead to a long dispute (offenses, enemies, etc.) or the attempt to take advantage of the appearance of BUGs on the server will be sanctioned accordingly and IRREVOCABLE ! Sanctiuni - Sanctions Nerespectarea clauzei 1 de mai sus duce la atentionare cu 10%. Nerespectarea clauzei 2 de mai sus duce la atentionare cu 15%. Nerespectarea clauzei 3 de mai sus duce la atentionare cu 20%. Nerespectarea deciziei enuntata in cadrul clauzei 4 de mai sus duce la atentionare 50%. Daca gravitatea faptelor tale este continua si aduce prejudicii comunitatii si a serverului Infinite Stuntage, vei primii ban permanent atat pe comunitate cat si pe server. Failure to comply with clause 1 above leads to 10% warning. Failure to comply with clause 2 above leads to 15% warning. Failure to comply with clause 3 above leads to 20% warning. Failure to comply with the decision set out in clause 4 above will result in 50% warn. If the seriousness of your actions is ongoing and harms the community and the Infinite Stuntage, server, you will receive permanent ban on the community and the server.
  2. CiprianCiprian

    Am creeat o imagine cu Infinite Stuntage ! SPER SA VA PLACA!