FaLLenGirL 370 Report post Posted February 4, 2017 Nickname-ul tău: (scrie aici nick-ul tău) Vârsta ta: (scrie aici vârsta ta) Nickname-ul membrului raportat: (scrie aici numele celui raportat) Motivul raportării: (scrie aici de ce raportezi acest membru) Imagine doveditoare: (pune aici o imagine ce arată încălcarea regulilor) Reguli: Titlul topicului trebuie să fie "Report Membru". Your Nickname: (write here your nick) Your Age: (write here your age) Raported member Nickname: (write here the nickname of the raported member) Raport Reason: (write here the raport reason) Proof Picture: (put here a image that show us that raported player breaked the rules) Rules: Name of the topic must be "Member Report" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites