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[DT]Dragon Triads Description

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:ro:[DT]Dragon Triads este o organizatie veche si puternica, fondata de DeathWhisper. cu scopul obtinerii controlului asupra oraselor Las Venturas, oras in care s-a nascut organizatie, San Fierro si Los Santos. Putem spune ca, cu ajutorul Fondatorului DeathWhisper. , Liderilor Ruben_, Syycd si Electro si al tuturor Co-liderilor ca Hawek si Heisenberg, cat si membrilor care au luptat pentru cauza noastra, am atins obiectivul pentru care am format organizatia. Suntem o organizatie de luptatori feroce, care elimina pe oricine ne sta in cale. Suntem mereu deschisi propunerilor de aliante si afaceri, atat timp cat este o afacere corecta si nu se incearca jegmanirea organizatiei in niciun fel. In caz contrar, oferim un razboi total din care nu se mai iese decat cu capitulare neconditionata. Deciziile se iau la nivelul staff-ului format din Lideri si Co-lideri, ultimul cuvant avandu-l Fondatorul DeathWhisper. , dupa ce se aud toate opiniile si dorintele. Toate cele spuse formeaza organizatia [DT]Dragon Triads


:us:[DT]Dragon Triads is a old and powerfull organization founded by  DeathWhisper. with the target of aquiring control of Las Venturas, City where this organization was born , San Fierro si Los Santos. We can say that, with the help of the Founder DeathWhisper. , Leaders Ruben_, Syycd and Electro and all Co-leaders like Hawek and Heisenberg, and all the members who fought for our cause, we reached the goal for what we formed the organization. We are a organization of tough figthers, which take out everyone who stand in our way. We are always open to alliance and business proposition, as long as it is a fair deal and is isn't tried the rip off of the organization. In that case, we offer a war more total from which you can't get out without unconditional surrender. Decision are taken by the staff formed of Leaders and Co-leaders, the last word is given by the Founder DeathWhisper. , After all options and wishes are heard. Everything said forms the [DT]Dragon Triads


Edited by DeathWhisper.

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