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Update 1.5.4

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kTFHwXh.png Romana

[ADAUGAT]Trei clase noi: Fireman(Pompier), Road worker(Lucrator la drumuri) si Train Driver(Conductor de tren).

[ADAUGAT]Sistem de fabrici. Fabricile sunt de 7 tipuri: Sawmill(costa: 800.000$), Mine(costa: 1.000.000$), Steel Refinery(costa: 1.200.000$), Oil Refinery(costa: 1.800.000$), Plastic Factory(costa: 2.100.000$), Car Factory(costa: 3.000.000$), Petrol Refinery(costa: 5.000.000$). Fabricile vor produce o data la 5 ore un anumit numar de materiale. Tot o data la 5 ore detinatorii fabricilor vor plati costuri de productie precizate la detaliile fabricii. Fabrica are un numar maxim de materiale ce pot fi depozitate. Cand numarul maxim este atins aceasta nu va mai produce nimic. Pentru a elibera depozitul fabricii trebuie sa vindeti materialele produse(vezi meniul /myfactory - Sell production).  Pentru a cumpara o fabrica aveti nevoie de un cont bancar. Daca fondurile din contul bancar sunt insuficiente, fabrica va intra in insolventa. Din acest moment detinatorii au la dispozitie 5 ore pentru a redesa situatia, iar in cazul contrat aceasta va da faliment si va fi vanduta automat la stat fara ca detinatorul sa primeasca vreo despagubire. Fabrica poate iesi din starea de insolventa daca detinatorul depune bani in banca, apoi din meniul /myfactory alege optiunea Cancel Factory Evicting.

[MODIFICAT]Sistemul anti-cheat.


[REZOLVAT]Buguri minore.

*Sunt sigur ca mai sunt lucruri de precizat, dar nu am suficient timp acum si nu imi vin in minte.


hZOEG3z.png English

[ADDED]New classes: Train Driver, Road worker, Fireman.

[ADDED]Factory system. There are 7 factory types: Sawmill(costs: 800.000$), Mine(costs: 1.000.000$), Steel Refinery(costs: 1.200.000$), Oil Refinery(costs: 1.800.000$), Plastic Factory(costs: 2.100.000$), Car Factory(costs: 3.000.000$), Petrol Refinery(costs: 5.000.000$). All factories will produce once at 5 hours an amount of materials. Also, once at 5 hours the owners have to pay production taxes(see factory details). The factory has a limited storage space so the owner will have to deliver the produced materials to a buyer(/myfactory - Sell production). If the maximum production number is reached the factory will stop producing. To buy a factory you have to own a bank account. If the funds in the bank account are insufficient, the factory will go into insolvency. From this moment the owners have 5 hours to redress the situation, otherwise it will go bankrupt and will be sold automatically to the state without the owner receiving any compensation. The factory can be taken out of the insolvency state if the owner deposits money in the bank, then from the /myfactory menu chooses the Cancel Factory Evicting option.

[MODIFIED]Anti-cheat system.


[SOLVED]Minor bugs.

*I'm sure there are many things to say, buy I forgot them and because of my lack of time I can't continue the topic.

Edited by Sami

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