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Romania National Trucking reguli sectiune/board rules

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Reguli sectiune - Board Rules

kTFHwXh.png Reguli:

  • Este interzis unei persoane care nu are legatura cu serverul Romania National Trucking sa raspunda topicurilor care apartin de acest server.
  • IN CAZUL CERERILOR DE ADMIN SI VIP: este interzis ca o persoana care nu are legatura cu serverul Romania National Trucking sa posteze in aceste topicuri si/sau sa isi spuna o parere atat timp cat nu are o anumita experienta pe server sau cu membrul care a facut cererea.
  • IN CAZUL RECLAMATIILOR: este interzis ca o persoana/membru al comunitatii care nu are legatura cu serverul Romania National Trucking sa posteze in aceste topicuri/si sau sa isi spuna o parere atat timp cat nu detine dovezi/nu are experiente anterioare despre/cu acuzat(ul).
  • IN CAZUL CELORLALTE PROBLEME: este interzis ca o persoana/membru al comunitatii care nu are legatura cu serverul Romania National Trucking sa intervina in problemele care tin de acest server. Toate problemele gasite pe server pot fi raportate in sectiunea Bug Reports, iar problemele cu ceilalti jucatori in sectiunea Reports. Orice disputa care va avea ca efect cearta sau anumite discutii care vor starni cearta vor fi pedepsite in cadrul serverului, cat si al comunitatii(daca aceste discutii apartin de serverul Romania National Trucking). De asemenea, orice incercare de a abuza de un BUG este strict interzisa si va fi sanctionata in cadrul serverului.



hZOEG3z.png Rules:

  • It is completely forbidden for those who are not related to Romania National Trucking to answer to the topics which belong to this server.
  • IN CASE OF ADMIN/VIP REQUESTS: it is completely forbidden to a person who is not related to Romania National Trucking to post content in these topics or say an opinion as long as he/she has no experience on server or with the member who made the request.
  • IN CASE OF REPORTS: it is completely forbidden to a person who is not related to Romania National Trucking to post content in these topics or say an opinion as long as he/she has no evidence about the defendant.
  • IN CASE OF OTHER PROBLEMS: it is completely forbidden to a person who is not related to Romania National Trucking to interfere with the topics related to this server. All problems found can pe reported in section Bug Reports and the complaints in section Reports. Any dispute which will have quarell as effect will be punished on the server and on the comunity(if these discussions are related to Romania National Trucking). Also, any attempt to abuse of the bugs found on server is completely forbidden and will be punished on the server.





  1. Nerespectarea punctului 1 are ca urmare atentionare cu 5%.
  2. Nerespectarea punctului 2 are ca urmare atentionare cu 10%.
  3. Nerespectarea punctului 3 are ca urmare atentionare cu 15%.
  4. Nerespectarea deciziei luate in punctul 4 are ca urmare atentionare cu 35%.
  5. Daca gravitatea faptelor tale este continua si aduce prejudicii comunitatii si a serverului Romania National Trucking, actiunile tale vor fi pedepsite cu ban permanent pe server, cat si pe comunitate.



  1. Failure to comply with point 1 will result 5% warning.
  2. Failure to comply with point 2 will result 10% warning.
  3. Failure to comply with point 3 will result 15% warning.
  4. Failure to comply with point 4 will result 35% warning.
  5. If your actions are continued and harms the community and the Romania National Trucking server, you will be punished with permanent ban on the server, as well as on the community.


Forum blacklist:


Edited by Sami
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