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Found 12 results

  1. Sami

    Nume creator/Creator name: adri1 TDE editor este un editor si creator de textdrawuri util pentru detinatorii de servere./TDE editor is a textdraw editor and creator useful for server owners. Link download/Download link: https://www102.zippyshare.com/v/QfwQHLh1/file.html Instalare/Installation: 1. Descarca TDEditor/Download TDEditor 2. Copiaza TDE.pwn si TDE.amx in folderul filterscripts/Copy TDE.pwn and TDE.amx to your filterscripts server folder. 3. Copiaza TDE.dll si sscanf.dll in folderul plugins(daca nu exista creeaza-l)/Copy TDE.dll and sscanf.dll to your plugins server folder (create if you haven't) 4. Editeza server.cfg si adauga TDE la filterscripts, respectiv TDE si sscanf la plugins/Edit your server.cfg and add TDE in filterscripts, TDE and sscanf in plugins lines 5. Copiaza TDE.txd in folderul GTA San Andreas/models/txd./Copy TDE.txd to GTA San Andreas/models/txd. 6. Descarca si instaleaza/Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) 7. Copiaza toate fisierele .dll in folderul serverului tau/Copy all .dll files from DLL Files folder to your main server folder 8. Deschide serverul/Open your server.
  2. Sami

    Nume gamemode/Gamemode name: B-HOOD Nume creator/Creator name: Edison Nume editor/Editor name: HPQ Gamemodeul este unul de tip rpg si este un edit al gamemodeului Burned creat de catre Edison./This is an RPG gamemode and an edit of Burned gamemode created by Edison. Gamemodeul detine: sistem crates, sistem vehicule personale, sistem bet, factiuni dinamice, case dinamice, afaceri dinamice si multe altele pe care le puteti descoperi./It contains: crates system, personal vehicles system, bet system, dynamic factions, dynamic houses, dynamic businesses and many others you can discover. Link download/Download link: https://www116.zippyshare.com/v/3VpMb7xK/file.html Parola arhiva: bHPQhood123 Poze/Pictures:
  3. Sami

    Nume gamemode/Gamemode name: xHardTruckers Nume creator/Creator name: necunoscut/unknown Contine/Contains: Feribot/Ferry, mysql, clase dinamice/dynamic classes, sistem case dinamic/dynamic house system, sistem aeroport/airport system, sistem telefon mobil/mobile phone system, sistem telefon fix/house phone system si multe altele/and many others. Link Download/Download Link: https://www102.zippyshare.com/v/R6liyXLJ/file.html Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f9e076d8ddd45adf3ba10f05a44c264b80bcb04192f3585b3fd173bfba6858d1/detection
  4. Sami

    Nume creator/Creator name: maddinat0r Link download: https://github.com/maddinat0r/sscanf/releases/tag/v2.8.3 Exemplu/Example: sscanf("hello 27", "si", str, val); -> hello 27 Specifier(s) Name Example values i, d Integer 1, 42, -10 c Character a, o, * l Logical true, false b Binary 01001, 0b1100 h, x Hex 1A, 0x23 o Octal 045 12 n Number 42, 0b010, 0xAC, 045 f Float 0.7, -99.5 g IEEE Float 0.7, -99.5, INFINITY, -INFINITY, NAN, NAN_E u User name/id (bots and players) ******, 0 q Bot name/id ShopBot, 27 r Player name/id ******, 42
  5. Sami

    Nume creator/Creator name: Markski Necesar/Necessary: y_hooks - Se poate alege intre KMH si MPH/Allows to choose between KMH or MPH at compile time with a define. - Se poate alege ca limba intre engleza si spaniola/Allows to choose english or spanish with a define. Link download/Download link: https://www77.zippyshare.com/v/tuYcCtvY/file.html Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/52612d467cc46a83817e6740692e0087339c6ff3e0078050d662500e0d6fa8b8/detection Poze/Pictures:
  6. Sami

    Nume gamemode/Gamemode name: L2P Nume creator/Creator name: Edison Nume editor/Editor name: Skillz Gamemodeul se compileaza cu ZEEX COMPILER./The gamemode is compiling with ZEEX COMPILER. Link download/Download link: https://www114.zippyshare.com/v/MG2dDoiO/file.html (gamemode) https://www75.zippyshare.com/v/bcXOp2cB/file.html (compiler) https://www6.zippyshare.com/v/cE0g1kyI/file.html (panel) Videoclip/Video:
  7. Sami

    Nume gamemode/Gamemode name: Bladex Nume creator/Creator name: necunoscut/unknown Nume editor/Editor name: necunoscut/unknown Gamemodeul contine: sistem refferal, sistem turf, sistem prieteni, dealership & targ auto, slujbe unice, factiuni dinamice, securitate pin, panel si multe altele./It contains: refferal system, turf system, friends system, dealership & auto market, unique jobs, dynamic factions, pin security, panel and many others. Link download/Download link: https://www13.zippyshare.com/v/NC5rARdL/file.html Virustotal gamemode: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4b256298de992a5873cd7c51665a5c4de2fa69e4baa3dd322d12ec39ad02b367/detection Poze/Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/iPPld https://imgur.com/a/R1adO
  8. FaLLenGirL

    IS.HYPE-ZONE.RO:7777 RACES COLOR MATCH Probabil au mai fost zile cu 12, 13/50. Incetul cu incetul sper sa ne ridicam din nou la nivelul care trebuie. Este normal acum la inceput sa fie asa scazuta media de jucatori avand in vedere ca serverul a fost inchis cateva luni bune, jucatorii de pe IS s-au "reprofilat", cei care aud de el se intorc sa vada, unii raman altii nu, asa este pe SA-MP. Totusi, sper ca in viitor sa fie din ce in ce mai bine !
  9. AndreiTanchistul

    Nickname:AndreiTanchistul Care este motivul pentru care ai fost banat?: lasa ca esti tare cu pula-n gura Poza ban: https://prnt.sc/ij73pk Informatii suplimentare: Vreau unban era prima oara cand am intrat pe server si pac ban plz vreau unban daca vreti sa ma contactati pe skype cauti AndicelMare am o poza cu un intro pe care scrie Andrei Tanchistul
  10. AndreiTanchistul

    Nickname:AndreiTanchistul Care este motivul pentru care ai fost banat?: lasa ca esti tare cu pula-n gura Poza ban: https://prnt.sc/ij73pk Informatii suplimentare: Vreau unban era prima oara cand am intrat pe server si pac ban plz vreau unban daca vreti sa ma contactati pe skype cauti AndicelMare am o poza cu un intro pe care scrie Andrei Tanchistul
  11. AndreiTanchistul

    https://prnt.sc/ij73pk FallenGirlmia dat ban plz vreau unban nam facut nimic
  12. Ruben_

    Nickname: Ruben_ Age: 15 Mam gandit ca la groups ar trebui sa fie inca un group cu numele Yakuza... Ar fi tare. Alta idee: ar fi fain sa se poata salva masini cu tune si sa se poata incarca in joc oriunde doar prin o comanda de exemplu /scar (save) /lcar (load)