Numele tau pe server:AktyZdrowN.
Numele jucatorului raportat:MihaiUltraS
Problema: Nu stiu de cand este voie ca un jucator care detine o functie pe server sa te jigneasca, atunci cand tu iti expui opinia sa despre el.
Chiar si asa, in situatia de fata, cu 2 admini online, doar Iustin face fata, pe cand tu, esti degeaba.
Din ce stiu, mai intai adminii trebuie sa se expuna problemelor jucatorilor si nu vipii online in momentul de fata.
Dovezi/alte specificatii:
[00:04:16] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}De unde le colectez ca nu imi apare?
[00:04:22] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Sunt pe harta
[00:04:29] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Trebuie sa te plimbi, iti apar jos stanga
[00:04:30] Teleport: {FFFFFF}You successfully teleported to the player Robert12.
[00:04:36] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Hai incoa
[00:04:37] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Iti apare marcarcate
[00:04:45] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}?
[00:04:50] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Ca sa iti apara acele obiecte si ca sa le poti colecta ai nevoie de ghiozdan care costa 200 gold in /shop
[00:04:59] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Nu costa
[00:05:00] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}E 0
[00:05:08] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Sau asa
[00:05:08] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Hai
[00:05:09] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Am
[00:05:15] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Am ghiozdan
[00:05:16] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Nush eu nu am facut acel event
[00:05:18] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Ca sa-l pui si sa-l scoti, /backpack.
[00:05:31] {D10004}- {FFFFFF}blacklife have been disconnected ({D10004}Exit{FFFFFF})
[00:05:31] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Il am in spate
[00:05:42] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Iti apare jos stanga?
[00:05:45] {8080FF}Iustin:>{FFFFFF}@{D10004}Robert12:{FFFFFF} /missions
[00:05:52] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Lasa-l, ca sunt eu cu el
[00:05:56] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Ok
[00:06:05] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Asa arta
[00:06:06] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Arata&
[00:06:09] {FFFFFF}00:06 {FFFF22}* Weather condition automatically updated.
[00:06:19] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Apasa click
[00:06:22] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Gata
[00:06:26] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Cate sunt
[00:06:30] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}100 daca nu ma insel.
[00:06:39] ----------------------------------------------------{FFFF00}TIKI-QUEST{FFFFFF}-----------------------------------------------------
[00:06:39] [Tiki Quest] Progress: 3/100
[00:06:39] To complete this quest you need a backpack. You can buy a backpack from server's shop([/shop]).
[00:06:39] Prize: 50.000$, 300 gold points, 200 scor.
[00:06:43] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}A
[00:06:43] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Da, 100.
[00:06:47] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Hai
[00:07:04] [Young Blood] TheBrothers has joined Truckers class
[00:07:06] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Ai object 88
[00:07:07] {D10004}vasi {FFFFFF}has been kicked - failed to login
[00:07:12] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Da
[00:07:16] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF} e cu rosu
[00:07:19] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}E cu rosu, inseamna ca e pe langa, daca se face galben, e tot mai aproape
[00:07:25] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Si al verde e foarte aproape, la cativa m.
[00:07:27] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF} e rosu
[00:07:28] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}La*
[00:07:33] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Nu mai e
[00:07:34] The convoy with leader Iustin(5) has finished the bonus mission.
[00:07:39] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Tot rosu
[00:07:51] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Aici e galben
[00:07:52] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Acum e galben
[00:07:56] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Sprunk factory....
[00:08:00] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}A gata stiu
[00:08:02] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Aici e verde
[00:08:06] {019113}+ {FFFFFF}mDL (1) has connected from {FFE4C4}Romania {FFFFFF}( Din Iad )
[00:08:08] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Da
[00:08:18] [Respected Trucker] mDL has joined Truckers class
[00:08:19] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Si dupa cum ti-am spus, acum e verde cand el aproape
[00:08:24] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Ok
[00:08:25] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}E*
[00:08:29] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Bafta la colectat
[00:08:31] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Ca eu am iesit
[00:08:32] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Ms
[00:08:35] mDL(Senior-Admin)[1]: {FFFFFF}Sal
[00:08:37] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Daca mai ai nevoie de ceva, ii ai pe ei.
[00:08:43] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Salut
[00:08:45] Robert12[13]: {FFFFFF}Ok ms
[00:08:46] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}Sefu
[00:08:52] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Pe iustin ti-l recomand si mdl, ca ala e cu fite
[00:08:58] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}E baiat,
[00:09:02] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}O seara faina
[00:09:08] MihaiUltraS(Head Admin)[15]: {FFFFFF}Mars ma
[00:09:11] Iustin(Fondator)[5]: {FFFFFF}La fel...salut
[00:09:27] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Mars ii spun acelei fiinte care te-a intretinut cand erai embrion.
[00:09:28] {008000}(Info): {FF8000}You're out of fuel? Go to the nearest gas station and then press H.
[00:09:37] AktyZdrowN.[3]: {FFFFFF}Figurantule
[00:09:43] mDL(Senior-Admin)[1]: {FFFFFF}Huoo
[00:09:45] AktyZdrowN. he was banished by MihaiUltraS for 2 days, reason: Te astept pe forum!
[00:09:45] You were banished by MihaiUltraS for 2 days, Reason: Te astept pe forum!
[00:09:45] On the date 00:09 03/05/2019. To debit your account you need to 133 Gold.
[00:09:46] Server closed the connection.