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Everything posted by FaLLenGirL

  1. FaLLenGirL

  2. FaLLenGirL

  3. FaLLenGirL

  4. FaLLenGirL

  5. FaLLenGirL

  6. FaLLenGirL

  7. FaLLenGirL

  8. FaLLenGirL

  9. FaLLenGirL

  10. FaLLenGirL

  11. FaLLenGirL

  12. FaLLenGirL

  13. FaLLenGirL

  14. FaLLenGirL

  15. FaLLenGirL

  16. FaLLenGirL

  17. FaLLenGirL

  18. Nickname: (nickname-ul tau pe server) Ideea ta: (ideea) Descriere: (descrierea ideii tale) Reguli: Ai grija ca ideea ta sa fie una clara si care sa poata fi aplicata. Numele topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Sugestie] Nickname-ul tau". Nickname: (your nickname on server) Your idea: (say what's your ideea) Describe: (describe your ideea) Rules: Make sure that your ideea is very clear and is abble to be aplicated. The name of the topic must be "[Suggestion] Your nickname".
  19. Efectele bugului: (descrie bugul) Cand l-ai descoperit: (spune cand ai descoperit bugul) Locatie: (daca este bug la mapa) O poza cu bugul: (pune o poza cu bugul) Reguli: Ai grija ca raportul pe care il faci sa fie pentru un bug adevarat. Numele topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Raport Bug] Nickname-ul tau". Este necesar sa incarci pozele pe: "https://postimage.io/" sau "http://tinypic.com/". The effects of the bug: (describe the bug) When you discovered: (say when you discovered the bug) Location: (if is bug at a map) A photo with the bug: (put a photo with the bug) Rules: Take care that the bug you report is a real bug. The name of the topic must be like "[Bug Report] Your nickname". It is necessary to upload the photos on: "https://postimage.io/" or "http://tinypic.com/".
  20. Nickname-ul tau: (numele tau in server) Nickname-ul jucatorului raportat: (numele jucatorului raportat) Motiv: (spune in cuvinte de ce raportezi acest jucator) Dovezi: (pune o poza sau mai multe cu dovezile aduse) Reguli: Deschiderea unei raportari, fara a aduce imagini doveditoare, va atrage de la sine, respingerea raportarii facute. Deschiderea unei raportari, se va face numai pentru cazurile strict necesare, pentru motive serioase. Nerespectarea celor mentionate anterior, vor atrage de la sine, respingerea raportarii facute. Numele topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Raport Jucator] Nickname-ul celui raportat". Trebuie neparat sa incarci pozele pe: "https://postimage.io/", "http://tinypic.com/" sau "http://imgur.com/". Your nickname: (your nickname in game) Nickname of reported player: (nickname of reported player) Reason: (say in words why you report this player) Screenshot(s): (add a picture or more with the evidence) Rules: Opening a reporting without introducing evidential images will attract by itself, reporting rejection made. Opening a reports will be made only where strictly necessary for serious reasons. Failure of the foregoing will draw on its own, reporting rejection made. The name of the topic must be like "[Player Report] The nickname of the reported player". It is necessary to upload the photos on: "https://postimage.io/", "http://tinypic.com/" or "http://imgur.com/".
  21. Nickname: (nickname-ul tau in SA:MP) Poza ban: (poza de la dialogul banului din joc) Care este motivul pentru care ai fost banat?: (motivul pentru care ai luat ban) Informatii suplimentare: (orice informatii care crezi ca te ajuta la cererea de unban) Reguli: Nerespectarea modelului, precum si necompletarea sau completarea eronata a alineatului (2), va atrage de la sine respingerea cererii. Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Cerere unban] Nickname-ul tau". Trebuie neparat sa incarci poza cu banul pe: "https://postimage.io/" sau "http://tinypic.com/". Nickname: (your nickname in SA:MP) Ban photo: (photo from the ban dialog from the game) Which is why you were banned ?: (why you took ban) Additional informations: (every information that you think that will help you to be unbanned) Rules: Failure model and not filling or erroneous completion of paragraph (2), will attract self rejection. The topic name must be like "[Unban request] Your nickname". It is necessary to upload the photos on: "https://postimage.io/" or "http://tinypic.com/".
  22. Nickname: (numele tau pe server) Varsta: (varsta ta reala, minim 14 ani) Motiv up: (de ce vrei up admin) Imagine statistici: (poza la /astats -> Admin Statistics) Date de contact: (scrie ID-ul tau: Skype or Yahoo! Messenger) Reguli: Nererespectarea/necompletarea alineatelor vor atrage de la sine respingerea cererii de administrator. Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Cerere Level Up] Nickname-ul tau". Trebuie neaparat sa incarci pozele pe: "https://postimage.io/" sau "http://tinypic.com/". Nickname: (your nickname on server) Age: (your real age, 14 years is minimum) Reason for up: (why do you want up ?) Statistics image: (photo of /astats -> Admin Statistics) Contact details: (write your ID: Skype or Yahoo! Messenger) Rules: Failure / filling in paragraphs will result from the rejection of the application for administrator. The topic title must be like "[Level Up Request] Your nickname". It is necessary to upload the photos on: "https://postimage.io/" or "http://tinypic.com/".
  23. Nickname: (numele tau pe server) Varsta: (varsta ta reala, minim 14 ani) Primele 5 cifre ale codului numeric personal (CNP): (scrie primele 5 cifre ale CNP-ului tau) Motiv: (de ce vrei admin) Imagine statistici: (poza la /stats -> Normal Statistics) De cat timp joci sa-mp: (de cand joci GTA San Andreas - GTA SA:MP) Ai mai fost admin ?: (da sau nu, da daca ai mai avut admin) Cunosti comenzile de admin ?: (scrie cateva comenzi de admin) Date de contact: (scrie ID-ul tau: Skype or Yahoo! Messenger) Reguli: Nererespectarea/necompletarea alineatului (2), respectiv (3) sau oferirea de informatii false referitor cu cerintele cerute, vor atrage de la sine respingerea cererii de administrator. Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie de genul "[Cerere admin] Nickname-ul tau". Trebuie neaparat sa incarci fotografia pe: "https://postimage.io/" sau "http://tinypic.com/". Nickname: (your nickname on server) Age: (your real age, 14 years is minimum) Reason: (why do you want admin ?) Statistics image: (photo of /stats -> Normal Statistics ) From when do you play SA:MP ?: (from how much time do you play SA:MP ?) You were admin on other servers ?: (yes or not, yes if you were admin) Do you know any admin command ?: (write some admin commands) Contact details: (write your ID: Skype or Yahoo! Messenger) Rules: Failure/filling in paragraph (2) or providing false information on the requirements required will result from the rejection of the application for administrator. The name of the topic must be like "[Admin request] Your nickname". It is necessary to upload the photos on: "https://postimage.io/" or "http://tinypic.com/".
  24. Join is.hype-zone.ro:7777
